Improving waste management practices though a voluntary grouping of two local authorities in Northern Ireland.


Composting is the oldest form of recycling known to man. Used for generations in farmyards and gardens throughout the world, this age-old process still has a huge role to play in the high-tech future of sustainable waste management.

Highlighted as a key component in the Northern Ireland Waste Management Strategy, composting has also been identified by the Regional Waste Management Plan as being central to the NWRWMG’s ability to divert bio-degradable waste from landfill and meet its obligations under the European Landfill Directive and the Northern Ireland Landfill Allowances Scheme.

In-vessel composters must be built to meet the demands of the new Animal By-Products Regulations where food waste is to be composted. They can be used to process material collected in Brown Bin schemes, which collect kitchen and garden organic from the kerbside. Material collected in the brown bins can be treated to high temperatures in two separate stages to ensure that the material is animal by-product compliant and poses no threat to human or animal health.

Green/garden waste can be deposited at Civic Amenity sites for composting. Some Councils provide brown bins or low-cost home composting units for compostable materials.

Contact your Council for further details.

© North West Region Waste Management Group
  • Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council
  • Derry & Strabane District Council