The North West Region Waste Management Group invite Pre Qualification Questionnaires and Tender for the following:
- The receipt, transfer, processing/brokerage to end markets of wheeled bin, kerbside collected commingled dry recyclables – Pre Qualification Questionnaire
- Provision Materials Processing Services for Recycling for Source Segregated Materials from Household Waste & Recycling Centres/ Recycling Points, Transfer Stations and other council facilities – Pre Qualification Questionnaire
- Provision for the Treatment of NWRWMG collected commingled waste from HWRC’s and from other council services – Invitation to Tenders
All documentation relating to the above tenders can be obtained from [email protected]
Completed tenders shall be returned to the undersigned in a sealed envelope marked with the appropriate tender title.
Completed tenders must arrive no later than 12 noon 11th February 2011
A receipt should be obtained for each quotation submitted by hand. Please also note that the information provided could be disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act. No information provided will be accepted ‘in confidence’ and North West Region Waste Management Group accepts no liability for loss as a result of any information disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
Those individuals/organisations submitting a tender should be aware that North West Region Waste Management Group does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any quotation.