Trips to the bottle bank will soon be only a memory for many residents of the North West Region Waste Management Group area.
That’s because glass packaging such as bottles and jars can now be disposed of in blue bins following an upgrading of the processing plant by the recycling provider. This includes wine bottles, beer bottles, spirit bottles, jam jars, coffee jars, sauce jars and medicine bottles. All that is asked is that residents empty and rinse out their bottles and jars. Lids can be left on.
Currently Coleraine Borough Council, Derry City Council, Limavady Borough Council, Magherafelt District Council and Moyle District Council are accepting glass bottles and jars of any colour into the blue bins, but no window glass, pryex cooking utensils, such as casseroles, or ceramics, such as broken cups or plates.
By recycling not only are the public helping Councils to reduce its waste management bill. It means there’s less waste sent to landfill and a saving in natural resources, as well as a saving in energy and the creation of jobs.
Glass has the unique quality of being able to be recycled over and over again without any loss in quality, this dramatically reduces the use of raw materials and the energy needed to make new glass bottles and jars.
The inclusion of glass in the blue bin will really help to raise recycling rates and save the council money.